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Hi, I'm Tammy!
Family Health and Nutrition Coach

I Empower Moms to Make Confident Decisions About Health & Nutrition for Themselves and Their Families

Getting a meal on the table leaves you feeling stressed, anxious, drained or overwhelmed.

You know you shouldn't be hitting the drive-through so much, but after a long day, it's just easier then negotiating with your kids to eat what you serve them.


Navigating the grocery aisles leaves you confused. What even is that ingredient? Does organic automatically mean good for you? 


You want to feed your family nourishing dinners they will eat, but you don't know where to start.

You make multiple meals every night because you have picky/selective eaters or family members with food sensitivities. 

Your life is full to the brim and there is no time for meal planning and meal prep.

You're burned out and have no time to fuel your body or work out.

You're surviving on caffeine and the 3:00 pm cravings are out of control. 

You've been on multiple restrictive diets and haven't gotten results. (Or you have, but you quickly gain back the weight or experience the old icky symptoms)

"When I joined her health and wellness program, I would say I had average knowledge of basic nutrition. Tammy instantly put me at ease and gave me the leeway to grow one step at a time versus doing everything all at once which (for me) would’ve been completely unsustainable.

 I learned how to better read nutrition labels, understand certain nutritious vs highly refined ingredients, maintain a sensible weekly exercise program - all while being encouraged by Tammy who was so warm, engaging, and friendly during the whole program. It honestly felt like more of a friendship than a teacher/student relationship.

I would highly recommend Tammy’s program to anyone who needs a cheerleader in their corner. She has definitely helped me physically but also mentally.  Tammy has held me accountable and given me guard rails to make sure I keep health a priority in my life.”

Annie B.

If any of that sounds like you...

I promise taking back control of your family's health and nutrition is easier than you think!

For the first 25 years of my adult life, I thought I did a pretty good job making healthy(ish) choices. Then in 2013 my husband had a heart attack at age 45, and everything I thought I knew went out the window. 

That moment changed everything, and sent me down a brand new life path. I spent years weeding through information and misinformation and educating myself and my family. Through a lot of research, along with a lot of trial and error, I learned that being healthy was so much more than diet and exercise.

I began taking a holistic approach to health and wellness and became a Certified  Integrated Health and Nutrition Coach. I've taken my years of experience as a mom and teacher and combined them with my knowledge of health and wellness to educate, empower, and inspire mamas to take care of themselves and their families!

Let's work together!  

Work With Me

Fredericksburg, TX


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